Blueberry Smoothie

MommaCooks it starting to turn into the the smoothie/breakfast blog…we’ve been making a lot of smoothies around here this week. The boys had this one for a before bed snack last night and for breakfast this morning.

1 cup frozen blueberries
2 single-serving containers yogurt (we used blueberry one time and orange passion fruit the next)
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup orange juice
1/4 cup oatmeal

Put all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

What did the family think? Yum. (Except for all the blueberry pieces that got stuck in their teeth.)

Where did this recipe come from? The boys wanted smoothies and the cupboard was getting bare. I threw in the oatmeal because Jaime Oliver has a smoothie recipe that includes oatmeal.

photo from CCRecipe


Filed under After School Snacks, Beverages, Breakfast, Definitely Making it Again, Desserts, Easy, Six Ingredients or Less, Super Easy to Make, Vegetarian

2 Responses to Blueberry Smoothie

  1. Rose Kopecky

    Never tried it with blueberries before! We make a similar recipe with fresh mango too 🙂 (and use OJ, vanilla yogurt and vanilla whey protein – supper yummy!)

  2. Rose Kopecky

    Oops, I meant never tried with OATMEAL before, not blueberries 🙂 .

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